Is Team performance affected by the IQ of your staff?

You’d definitely think it does by the way we recruit, no CV even gets passed the first stage without a degree in x,y,z and suitable academic qualifications. But if you add a certified genius to your team does it really push the bar up?

MIT went to prove the issue with a 2 year study involving 700 people. They tracked team performance and plotted this against, the average IQ of the team and the maximum individual IQ within the team. What they found may surprise you. They found there was NO significant correlation between either maximum individual IQ or the average IQ of the team and the team performance!

Well I know what you are thinking, Google thought the same as you are thinking. “There has to be something wrong there?” So Google did their own 4 years study, analysing all the teams within Google and utilising their amazing analytical systems to finalise the results. They came to the conclusion “there is no significant correlation between average team IQ, the maximum individual IQ and the team performance”.

So hiring people with massive IQ’s is not the answer to team performance. That has to be a bit of shock!